Actress Rashmika Mandanna, who has been busy with back-to-back films and unstoppable success at the box offiice was seen in an event last night. Ashika was seen as the chief guest for Gam Gam Ganesha prerelease event, which was held in Hyderabad. When the announcement about Rashmika being part of the event was made, expectations of the film were immediately raised on social media by all her fans.
Anand Deverakonda is the lead hero of the film, and with the bond, the actress has with his family and her brother Vijay is Deverakonda. She made sure she attended the event and encouraged Anand to do good in his films.
Anand’s question, “Who is your favorite co-star?” left Rashmika beaming and blushing. She first said, “Anand, you are family, and you should not put me on the spot.” Amid loud cheers from fans who kept shouting “Rowdy Boy,” Rashmika went on to say that “Rowdy Boy” (Vijay Deverakonda) is her favorite co-star.
The film is slated for release on May 31, and the trailer has already impressed the audience. The songs that were released as part of the promotional content where all are already doing well on social media.