Gali Anil Kumar said he would get the B-form of the Congress party while Raji Reddy said it was him who was named in the party’s official candidate list
Published Date – 06:19 PM, Wed – 8 November 23
Medak: Congress candidate for Narsapur Avula Raji Reddy and Congress rebel candidate Gali Anil Kumar have filed their nominations.
While Raji Reddy had planned his nomination on Wednesday, Anil Kumar filed his nomination an hour before Raji Reddy. Interestingly, Anil said he would get the B-form of the party while Raji Reddy said it was him who was named in the party’s official candidate list. Anil claimed the party would change the candidate in a few days.
Anil Kumar came in a big rally to file his nomination along with his supporters holding Congress banners and flags like the official candidate. Meanwhile, the nominations by the two leaders in the Congress has left party workers in confusion.
Speaking to Telangana Today, a party worker said this would cause great damage to the party’s winning chances unless the party leadership intervened and made one of them withdraw from the contest.
Meawnhile, BRS candidate for Narsapur V Sunitha Laxma Reddy will file her nomination in Thursday while BJP candidate Murali Yadav’s wife Rajamani filed a set of nominations on his behalf on Wednesday.