Dhanteras, also known as Dhanatrayodashi, is a Hindu festival celebrated in India, typically occurring two days before Diwali. This year, it will be celebrated on Friday (November 10). The festival holds great significance as it marks the beginning of the five-day Diwali festival. On this day, people worship Lord Dhanvantari, the God of Ayurveda, and Goddess Lakshmi, the Goddess of wealth and prosperity. And all this is done based on the auspicious time (called muhurat), which is decided by according to the Hindu calendar.
Also Read | Items To Bring Home On Dhanteras
Various astrologers have predicted the muhurat time based on the established practices. It will start at 12:35 pm on November 10 and continue till 7.43 pm on that day. The festivalfall on Trayodashi Tithi – thirteenth day of the bright half of the Kartik month.
Dhanteras Puja muhurat
The Dhanteras muhurat will last for more than seven hours, but according to astrologers, the puja time is scheduled to begin at 5.47pm and continue till 7.43 pm (almost two hours).
Astrologers have also pointed out that Dhanteras will coincide with the Hasta Nakshatra due to which the importance of the festival has increased a lot.
When to buy gold and silver on Dhanteras?
If you are not the one who does Dhanteras shopping in advance, you can buy gold and silver during the auspicious time tomorrow.
However, the most auspicious time to buy these precious items is from 12:35 pm to 02:46 pm.
Other things to buy on Dhanteras
The festival is an occasion to make popular purchases that include metals, electronic items, utensils, broom and home furniture.
On Dhanteras, it is customary to clean and decorate homes, light oil lamps, and buy new utensils or gold and silver items as a symbol of good luck and wealth. Dhanteras is a time for families to come together, offer prayers and seek blessings for financial well-being and overall prosperity.
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