VVS Laxman on Sunday unveiled the special T-shirt and medal for the fifth edition of ‘Whiteathon Run-2023’
Published Date – 08:00 PM, Sun – 7 May 23
Hyderabad: Head coach of National Cricket Academy (NCA), VVS Laxman on Sunday unveiled the special T-shirt and medal for the fifth edition of ‘Whiteathon Run-2023’, being organised by LV Prasad Eye Institute (LVPEI) to spread awareness on eye cancer at University of Hyderabad campus on May 21.
Through the annual Whiteathon run, LVPEI also raises funds for early diagnosis and treatment of retinoblastoma, the life and vision-threatening eye cancer among children.
The run has four categories including 10K and 5K, which are timed runs, and fun runs of distance 5K and 3K with no timing. It is also a qualifier run for NMDC Hyderabad Marathon-2023.
“I am confident that this edition of Whitathon will be a success and by 2030 we should phase out retinoblastoma,” VVS Laxman said while Dr Swathi Kaliki, Ocular Oncologist and Head, Operation Eyesight Universal Institute for Eye Cancer, LVPEI, added “It is vital to raise awareness on retinoblastoma and educate public on the importance of seeking timely medical care”.
Dr Gullapalli N Rao, Founder-Chair, LVPEI and other senior doctors were present.